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Tamil Nadu Congress chief to Karti Chidambaram: Criticise party internally, not before media

Chennai : In a swift reaction to the recent statements by Karti P Chidambaram that the Congress party in the state is now being wholly run by the high command and that it needs more functional freedom, E V K S Elangovan, the Tamil Nadu Congress Committee (TNCC) announced that any opinions on the party and its internal matters should be aired inside the party and not before the media.

Elangovan said there is nothing wrong in leaders airing opinions. “But it would be unfair if we start discussing internal issues and matters relevant the party in an outside forum when there are concerned party leaders and committees to deal with all these issues,” he said.

The new TNCC president on Saturday voiced his strong reply to the remarks from Karti, who apart from being the son of senior leader P Chidambaram is also a member of All India Congress Committee.

In a series of interviews and statements, Karti had opined that the Tamil Nadu Congress party doesn’t have enough freedom. He felt that the issues concerning the state party unit should be dealt with and discussed by leaders themselves, not by the high command which is actually ruling the state party sitting in Delhi. He had also compared the Tamil Nadu Congress with that of Kerala, where he said, leaders are far more independent than in Tamil Nadu.

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