
2921Constable (Tech. & Tradesmen) Posts in Central Reserve Police Force

Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Navi Mumbai invited application for recruitment of 2921Constable (Technical & Tradesmen) Posts. The candidates eligible for the post can apply through prescribed format before 20 December 2014.

Important Dates
Closing Date for Registration for residents of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Maharashtra and Gujarat: 20 December 2014
Details of Posts
Andhra Pradesh & Telangana States (Jointly): 158 Posts, Karnataka: 112 Posts, Tamil Nadu: 132 Posts, Kerala: 60 Posts, Maharashtra: 217 Posts, Gujarat: 112 Posts, Bihar: 157 Posts, Chhattisgarh:  84 Posts, Jharkhand: 105 Posts, MP: 92 Posts, Odisha: 52 Posts, Uttar Pradesh: 286 Posts, Uttrakhand: 17 Posts, West Bengal: 153 Posts, Assam: 227 Posts, Meghalaya: 49 Posts, Arunachal Pradesh: 17 Posts, Manipur: 56 Posts, Nagaland: 111 Posts, Tripura: 46 Posts, Mizoram: 12 Posts, Punjab: 161 Posts, Himachal Pradesh: 39 Posts, Chandigarh: 03 Posts, Jammu Region of J&K State: 130 Posts, Kashmir Valley of J &K State: 130 Posts, Delhi: 54 Posts, Haryana: 81 Posts, Rajasthan: 168 Posts.
Eligibility Criteria
Educational Qualification
Candidates should possess Matriculation or equivalent from a board, or university recognized by the Central or State Govt. Candidates should possess “Transport Vehicle” driving license for CT/ Driver Post, Should possess 02 year ITI Certificate in Mechanic Motor Vehicle issued by National Council for Vocational Training approved by DGET, Ministry of Labour, GOI for CT/ Fitter Post, Must be proficient in respective trades for Tradesmen Post, Must have one year experience for CT/ Fitter Post.
Age Limit
CT/Driver Post: 21-17 years
Other Posts: 18-23 years
Selection Process
Selection will be made on the basis of First Phase (PET, Screening of Testimonials, Physical Measurement/ Standard test), Second Phase (Written test), Third Phase (Trade test), Fourth Phase (Medical examination).
How to Apply
 Eligible and desirous candidates should send their applications in the proforma given in Appendix-A. Application forms duly completed in all respects and after affixing latest passport size photographs be sent to the authorities, as mentioned below, located within the State of domicile of the candidate so as to reach there on or before 05:00 hrs on 20 December 2014. It should be superscribed on the envelope that

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सोशल मीडिया पर सर्वाधिक लोकप्रियता प्राप्त करते हुए एमपी ऑनलाइन न्यूज़ मप्र का सबसे ज्यादा पढ़ा जाने वाला रीजनल हिन्दी न्यूज पोर्टल बना हुआ है। अपने मजबूत नेटवर्क के अलावा मप्र के कई स्वतंत्र पत्रकार एवं जागरुक नागरिक भी एमपी ऑनलाइन न्यूज़ से सीधे जुड़े हुए हैं। एमपी ऑनलाइन न्यूज़ एक ऐसा न्यूज पोर्टल है जो अपनी ही खबरों का खंडन भी आमंत्रित करता है एवं किसी भी विषय पर सभी पक्षों को सादर आमंत्रित करते हुए प्रमुखता के साथ प्रकाशित करता है। एमपी ऑनलाइन न्यूज़ की अपनी कोई समाचार नीति नहीं है। जो भी मप्र के हित में हो, प्रकाशन हेतु स्वीकार्य है। सूचनाएँ, समाचार, आरोप, प्रत्यारोप, लेख, विचार एवं हमारे संपादक से संपर्क करने के लिए कृपया मेल करें Email- editor@mponlinenews.com/ mponlinenews2013@gmail.com