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DMRC 24 Asst. & Executive Engineer Recruitment 2014-15

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) Requirement of Retired/Experienced Civil Engineers On Contract Basis Delhi Metro Rail Issued Recruiting Notice 2014-15 Apply For 24 Executive & Asst. Engineer  (XEN/Civil & AEN/Civil) DMRC Jobs 2015

DMRC Recruitment 2014 
To meet with the immediate requirement of experienced personnel for DMRC and its allied projects applications are  invited from experienced, dynamic and motivated persons of Indian nationality who have retired from Indian Railways (IR) and Central Public Works Department (CPWD) for post of Assistant Manager/Executive Engineer in DMRC on Re-employment basis initially for a period of one year extendable up to three years: -
Detail of Vacancies :
No. of Vacancy
Consolidated fee/Pay scale
Eligibility Criterion
Executive Engineer (XEN/Civil)/
Assistant Engineer (AEN/Civil)
Rs.52790/- at XEN level and Rs.41060/- at AEN level – for officers selected for DMRC Delhi/NCR Office.
At the minimum of the pay scale of Rs.20600-46500 (Asst. Engr) or Rs.24900-50500(Exe.Engr), as the case may be, for officers opted/ selected for consultancy works outside Delhi/NCR
1. Executive Engineers/ Assistant Engineers who have retired/ are going to retire in the next two years (up to 31/12/16) or have retired from/ working with Indian Railways/CPWD
2. Should be in grade Rs.15600-39100 (GP-6600)/(GP-5400) in CDA, for XEN/AEN, and have retired from the same grade.
Age Limit : Maximum Age Limit on 01/01/15 – 62 years.
Selection process : The selection methodology will comprise two stage processes –Personal Interview followed by Medical examination for candidates selected for Consultancy Office outside Delhi/NCR. The selection process would judge different facets of knowledge, skills, experience, expertise, aptitude and physical fitness. The candidates will be shortlisted for interview based on their eligibility experience in the relevant field, in the ratio of 1:5.
How to Apply : The eligible and willing candidates who fulfill the above mentioned eligibility criteria may apply along with their detailed particulars in the enclosed format by 15/01/15, positively by speed post to: The envelope should be properly sealed and super scribed with the name of the post applied for. To The General Manager (HR) 3 rd Floor, Metro Bhawan Fire Brigade Lane Barakhamba Road New Delhi-110001
Last Date:- 15/01/2015
For More Detail Please Visit – http://www.delhimetrorail.com/career.aspx

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सोशल मीडिया पर सर्वाधिक लोकप्रियता प्राप्त करते हुए एमपी ऑनलाइन न्यूज़ मप्र का सबसे ज्यादा पढ़ा जाने वाला रीजनल हिन्दी न्यूज पोर्टल बना हुआ है। अपने मजबूत नेटवर्क के अलावा मप्र के कई स्वतंत्र पत्रकार एवं जागरुक नागरिक भी एमपी ऑनलाइन न्यूज़ से सीधे जुड़े हुए हैं। एमपी ऑनलाइन न्यूज़ एक ऐसा न्यूज पोर्टल है जो अपनी ही खबरों का खंडन भी आमंत्रित करता है एवं किसी भी विषय पर सभी पक्षों को सादर आमंत्रित करते हुए प्रमुखता के साथ प्रकाशित करता है। एमपी ऑनलाइन न्यूज़ की अपनी कोई समाचार नीति नहीं है। जो भी मप्र के हित में हो, प्रकाशन हेतु स्वीकार्य है। सूचनाएँ, समाचार, आरोप, प्रत्यारोप, लेख, विचार एवं हमारे संपादक से संपर्क करने के लिए कृपया मेल करें Email- editor@mponlinenews.com/ mponlinenews2013@gmail.com