National Council of Teacher Education Recruitment 2016 Consultant & Other Jobs Application
NCTE Recruitment 2016: A recent Jobs notification has been broadcasted by the National Council of Teacher Education represented as NCTE Recruitment. Contestants may grab this latest career opportunity by applying against Consultant & Other Jobs. The Ministry of Human Resource Development is searching for the talented and qualified individuals to apply in concerned of various Consultants, Secretary and Officer Posts. Interested job searchers may apply by sending their Application Form on or before the last date expressed below.
Eligible job searchers who want to do work with this well known association may collect further information related to NCTE Recruitment 2016 in support of vacancy, required qualification, age limitation, mode of selection, procedure to apply, etc
Vacancy Details:
Educational Qualification for NCTE Recruitment:
Appliers should have Post Graduation / Masters Degree or M. Tech or Post Graduate Degree with Diploma or its equivalent qualification from recognized university or institutions and relevant experience in respective concern field.
Age Limitations:
Upper Age limit of the applicants should be:
Pay of Scale:
Selection Procedure:
The selection procedure of the job hunters shall be done on the basis of the Written Test / Personal Interview as per decided by the selection committee department of the organization.
How to Apply for NCTE Jobs ?
Postal Address and Important Details:
NCTE Recruitment :
Name of the organization
National Council of Teacher Education
Post name
Qualification Required
Post Graduate Degree
Selection procedure
Last date to apply
Check below
Vacancy Details:
Sr. No.
Name of Posts
No. of Vacancies
Senior Consultant
Consultant (E-Governance)
Consultant Level I (Database
Deputy Secretary / Regional
Under Secretary / Research Officer
Section Officer / Programme
Junior Account Officer
Librarian Cum Documentation and
Production Officer (LDPO)
Educational Qualification for NCTE Recruitment:
Appliers should have Post Graduation / Masters Degree or M. Tech or Post Graduate Degree with Diploma or its equivalent qualification from recognized university or institutions and relevant experience in respective concern field.
Age Limitations:
Upper Age limit of the applicants should be:
- 65 Years For of Sr. no. 1 to 3 Posts
- For other posts and relaxation in age will be applicable as per the norms and conditions of the Indian government.
Pay of Scale:
Posts Name
Fixed Remuneration Per Month
Grade Pay
Senior Consultant
Rs. 50,000-70,000/-
Rs. 6000/-
Consultant (E-Governance)
Rs. 48,000/-
Rs. 4000/-
Consultant Level I (Database
Rs. 42,000/-
Rs. 3000/-
Deputy Secretary / Regional
Rs. 15600 – 39100/-
Rs. 7600/-
Under Secretary / Research Officer
Rs. 6600/-
Section Officer / Programme
Rs. 9300 – 34800/-
Rs. 4600/-
Junior Account Officer
Rs. 4200/-
Librarian Cum Documentation and
Production Officer (LDPO)
Rs. 4600/-
Selection Procedure:
The selection procedure of the job hunters shall be done on the basis of the Written Test / Personal Interview as per decided by the selection committee department of the organization.
How to Apply for NCTE Jobs ?
- You may download NCTE application format from the official website i.e.
- Then go to the ‘Vacancies’ section given on the footer of the home page.
- Now download the pdf file against the ‘Vacancy Circular for the post of Deputy Secretary, Under Secretary, Section Officer, Jr. Accounts Officer and LDPO or Vacancy Circular for the post of Sr. Consultant and Consultant (Demand & Supply, e-Gov, Database Development)’ subject.
- Then you can take a print out of the downloaded application.
- After that you can fill all the necessary entries in prescribed format carefully.
- Now affix a recent Passport Size Photograph in the given space.
- There after put the completely filled application form with essential documents into an envelope.
- The name of the post applied for should be written in bold letters on the top of the envelope.
- The application in the proforma duly signed by the candidate may be sent to the below specified address.
Postal Address and Important Details:
Sr. No. of the Posts
Last Date To Submit
the Application Form
1 to 3
To Under Secretary
(Establishment), NCTE, Hans Bhawan, Wing-11, 1, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, ITO,
New Delhi-110002
20th January 2016
4 to 8
To the Member Secretary, National
Council of Teacher Education, Hans Bhavan, Wing II, 1 Bahadur Shah Zafar
Marg, New Delhi – 110 002
05th February 2016
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सोशल मीडिया पर सर्वाधिक लोकप्रियता प्राप्त करते हुए एमपी ऑनलाइन न्यूज़ मप्र का सबसे ज्यादा पढ़ा जाने वाला रीजनल हिन्दी न्यूज पोर्टल बना हुआ है। अपने मजबूत नेटवर्क के अलावा मप्र के कई स्वतंत्र पत्रकार एवं जागरुक नागरिक भी एमपी ऑनलाइन न्यूज़ से सीधे जुड़े हुए हैं। एमपी ऑनलाइन न्यूज़ एक ऐसा न्यूज पोर्टल है जो अपनी ही खबरों का खंडन भी आमंत्रित करता है एवं किसी भी विषय पर सभी पक्षों को सादर आमंत्रित करते हुए प्रमुखता के साथ प्रकाशित करता है। एमपी ऑनलाइन न्यूज़ की अपनी कोई समाचार नीति नहीं है। जो भी मप्र के हित में हो, प्रकाशन हेतु स्वीकार्य है। सूचनाएँ, समाचार, आरोप, प्रत्यारोप, लेख, विचार एवं हमारे संपादक से संपर्क करने के लिए कृपया मेल करें Email-