
Shiv Sena to join Fadnavis govt, accepts offer of 12 cabinet berths

Mumbai : Finally, the stage is set for cabinet expansion in Maharashtra on Friday, after Shiv Sena agreed to join the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government in Maharashtra.

The BJP has offered Shiv Sena 12 cabinet posts. It includes five cabinet rank and seven minister of state rank. The four important portfolios which have been offered to Sena includes ministry of industry, public works department, energy, water resources.

The Shiv Sena also agreed to give up its claim for home minister and deputy chief minister posts thus paving the way for the saffron partnership to provide a stable government in Maharashtra.

On Tuesday, Shiv Sena (MP), Anil Desai said, “The Sena president Uddhav Thackeray has received a formal proposal from the BJP. The Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis and Thackeray are directly talking on the matter.”

He indicated that the formal decision would be pronounced in a couple of days.

Insiders in the Sena revealed to Indian Express, “The Sena-BJP deal is almost done. The announcement will take place when chief minister returns to Mumbai.” Fadnavis left for Nagpur on Tuesday morning after the meeting which went on till early hours.

Apart from the cabinet power share, Sena and BJP leaders have also drawn a road map for the coming local body elections beginning from March next year.

Highly placed sources said, “Fadnavis will discuss the matter with BJP president Amit Shah today.”

The Sena and BJP leaders on Monday held meetings which went on till Tuesday 2.45 am to thrash out the differences related to portfolios and total number of cabinet berths in the government.

At present Fadnavis government has nine council of ministers. The total cabinet strength is likely to be of 36 ministers of which 12 will represent Sena and 24 BJP.

Both the sides have begun the process of shortlisting the names of their candidates to be inducted in the Fadnavis Cabinet.

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